mrekkmrekk is the current #1 ranked osu! player in performance points who prospered #1 on April, 08, 2020.1 He is also the first australian #1 since eyup who peaked #1 in ranked score during 2007.23 On December 27m 2022, mrekk had set the performance points record (1371.45pp) thus beating the old record set by aetrna(1356.97pp, 1357 excl. decimals).45. This record was broken by Akolibed6. As of September 04, 2023, mrekk has won 12 tournament badges.7
Reddit | r/osugame: mrekk is now #1, surpassing WhiteCat!!! ↩
Reddit | r/osugame: Chart of all countries to ever have a #1 player in osu! std ↩
Reddit | r/osugame: mrekk | Yooh - MariannE [Collab] (neonat, 9.60*) +HDDT 99.03% FC #1 | 1371pp | 75.33 cv. UR | NEW STD PP RECORD! ↩
Reddit | r/osugame: Accolibed | DragonForce - Valley of the Damned [Apocalypse] (Kayne, 9.93*) +DT 99.32% FC #8 | 1505pp | 81.22 cv. UR | NEW STD PP RECORD! ↩