disqus comments are available here.


Note project on hiatus until i'm motivated again

Heyo, I'm looking for both contributors and collaborators (read the README). If you are very experienced in Markdown or just want to help out in general, please do so!

92.2% 90%


peppypedia reworked version (0.0.2) (current release)

  • Note: the date for recommended pages is determined by the last commit or lastmod (excluding minor commits) and not determined by when the page was created. The order of these pages is determined by the lastmod date.

    peppypedia has been visited over visitor counter times. (any visits before 12/01/2022 do not count.)(note: the previous counter added on 12/02/2022 has been discarded from the service. previous visits will no longer be counted)

02/23/2023: user/BlackDog5
03/19/2023: user/jhlee0133
03/19/2023: maps/disco_prince
10/24/2022: user/peppy
10/24/2022: user/roles/gmt/Zallius
11/03/2022: user/roles/gmt/deleted
10/29/2022: modes/osu!


  • peppyqq (WIP, unused)
  • minima (on peppypedia-old)